Two works are included in the video posted by a group of people called managers and teachers who have their money say things to them and do as much as shame as possible. The appearance of constantly laughtering thinly is more like "Gez" than "Kimomen". Their opponent is a beautiful slender woman of facial recognition photography NG. It is an abnormal space that you can enjoy in a wand game using the intense odor worker called Blue Colors, which seems to be sick from the rape woman play as if it hits the usual stress. The slender-beautiful woman, who became like Borok's in blindfold, was tired before she heard her name, so she struck it out, so she named it "A" because she did not know the name. And one more story: A thriving fan of the V-band, Gospank Girl, is a Mikado who gets caught in Zutaboro by middle-aged people with bad smells on the other side when he is called up by friends. When she felt the warmth of life spreading slowly to her lower body, she said that for the first time she knew that despair was real.