Yulia, the daughter of the former king saint, who was killed in the coup, called herself a star of the masked female warrior, Seine Raine, throwing herself in battle to regain a peaceful country. Fight with the swordsman who called the black mountain cat who saved the trouble frequently. The new king torture the star of Se Raine to let the king of King hide the figure of the weather weapon lyzin hidden by the king. The tortoise is accused of the finger tip, and the electric knife is poured into the needle which is stuck to the nipple, and the body is covered with the flame of the candle, and it is blurred to do not sleep, and it is crucified by the cross, and it is whipped in the cross, and the lemon juice is put on the wound, and the torture torture blame the star of Se Raine. But the tornado was in front of the black mountain cat in dildo. Can Celine's stars withstand torture? Bad end