Do you know "rear aka girl" though it is sudden? It is a girl who has an account in the SNS and does another account in order to prevent it from becoming acquainted and the friend, and is doing the trouble in the account. The number of women who have this "back acupuncture" in the SNS that can connect with various people in the present age is increasing, and various things such as the spring, the scaffolding, and Papa activity are done! You can enjoy 4 / 4 big promiscuity instead of "rear aka woman". It's good to be with a kid! Look at other children! You can take out! In order to eliminate the "real time feeling" of promiscuity and VR's point "real time feeling", I introduced "the moving VR camera" which can move with real human eye. Because it is a work that emphasizes the pursuit of the reality and the flow, there is "movement of the viewpoint".